Dear Birth Family Letter

There are no words to describe what you are feeling.  We can only pray for you in this very important decision.

These are some things we want you to know about us that we feel would be helpful in making your decision.  We are dedicated to our family!  God brought Jason and I together and brought each and every child to us through foster care then adoption, international adoption, and domestic adoption.  We could not have orchestrated what HE did, but we Thank God every day for each member of our family!

We have 5 other birth families that we have a relationship with and will continue this relationship with them according to what they want from it.  Most of our relationships are semi open with letters and pictures a couple of times a year, but are open to more possibly if that is what the family desires.  We know that the decision is hard, but after the decision it is still hard.  We pray for our birth families and talk about them in a positive way.  Our goal is for our children to feel comfortable asking questions and knowing who you are.  We respect your privacy and know that you may change your mind or feel differently about it at different times.

We pray that the information of our profile will help you to see our deep love for our children, our dedication to their education, to being the best of who they can be, and our love for the Lord.  We feel very called to do this next adoption.  It was not something we did on a whim.  God specifically laid it on our hearts.  We know our next child will have special needs.  And we have prepared our hearts, our minds, had many conversations about this, built a support system of families who also have children with special needs, done a lot of research on the internet, and have laid everything in God's Hands.

Having brought home our Michael who has Cebral Palsy, damage was done to his brain, small head, had failure to thrive (does not anymore), and has ongoing therapies and doctors appointments.  We have great access to several medical facilities and love our doctors that we have had as well as his  therapists.  So we feel confident that we would be able provide that same access to our new child as well.  

We have an incredible support system with our extended family that all live within a few miles- Dawn's aunt, and 2 cousins and their families (which have adopted too), as well as my grandma.  They are all supportive of our family and our choice to bring home a special needs child.  They can't wait to welcome them into the family and love on them.

We also have a wonderful church that guides us closer to Scripture and listening to God.  Jason is a part of the men's group, and Dawn is a part of a foster/adoptive family mom's group, as well as our small group.  They all know about our next adoption as well and wait with us and pray with us over our next child.

Our family size to some may present a question.  So we want to let you know what we think about it.  Jason and I both knew adoption was the way we would add to our family.  I (Dawn) had cancer at the age of 8 and had a total hysterectomy.  PRAISE GOD I have been cured and God has chosen us to have a larger family in spite of that.  We LOVE all of the hugs, kisses, cuddles, personalities, different learning styles, different talents, and grace our family has.  We wouldn't change a thing.....except to add to that.

Here is what each of our children (that can write) said about having a big family:

Abigail wrote- I think it is fun and crazy at the same time.  It might be hard but if God has a plan and purpose I know He is in control of my family and I know He has chosen me to be the big sister of this family. 
Andrew said- It is fun and not boring.  I love play time with my brothers and sisters.  Having a big family is fun.  Brothers and sisters make you laugh.
Joshua wrote- because I am loved and cared for.  my big family helps me and cares for me.  We help each other study the Bible.  They are there when I have a bad day. 
Sarah wrote- I think why I love my family is why my family loves me and I love them. 
Matthew wrote- My mom and dad love us, and tuck us in at night.  That we play games with us.  That you (mom and dad) spoil us. 

We are praying with you in your decision and pray that you will receive a peace and comfort from the Lord.